Welcome to 7812 Animation Studios
At 7812 Animation Studios, we specialise in creating captivating animations that cater to audiences of all ages. Our team is dedicated to bringing stories to life through the art of animation.
Our Animation Specializations
7812 Animation excels in various animation techniques, including:
- 2D Animation
- 3D Animation
- Stop Motion Animation
- CGI Animation
Primary Audiences
Our animations are crafted to entertain a wide range of viewers, including:
- Families
- Adults
- Teens
Upcoming Animation Projects
Stay tuned for exciting projects from 7812 Animation Studios, including:
- Feature Films
- TV Series
- Short Films
- Collaborations with industry leaders
Notable Partnerships
7812 Animation Studios proudly collaborates with:
- Damond Distribution
- Damond Media
- Damond Studios, Networks, and Brands