46 Financial Institutions:
Budget: 920 Million
Damond Financial Union (DFU)
When I mention a bank, it's not a traditional bank. It's not merely a place to store or invest your money. Rather, it's an institution designed to enrich you and your family in unprecedented ways.
DFU Agreement
Damond Financial Union
1. Membership fee is 30 dollars a month
2. Members used debit cards for free
3. Members cash checks for free
4. Members direct deposits for free
5. Have free wire transfers
6. Members have free cash app transfers, but non-members 3.5% of the amount sent.
7. Members receive 2-day earlier paycheck
8. Members receive free replacement cards
9. Members receive 25% discount on insurance policies with “JUI”
10. Members can use ATM free at any Damond locations.
11. Upon reaching 20 million members, quarterly 2 members will be chosen to receive 50,000.
A. 40 million members, quarterly 4000 members will receive 50,000.
B. 40 million members, quarterly 4000 members will receive 50,000
C. 80 million members, quarterly 8000 members will receive 50,000.
D. 100 million members, quarterly 20,000 will receive 100,000.
12. 25% discount on purchases from Leah’s Market. If you are also a member of Leah’s Market, 45% discount as membership of D-market entitles you to 20% discount on all food purchases. Depending on membership.
13. Membership grants unlimited deposits with immediately available funds with 48 hours.
14. Fraud alerts, detections
15. 5% cash bank
16. When using outside ATMs, up to 20 dollars back at end of Month.
17. Loans with no interest. Payment plan to pay back.
18. Free bank statements emailed to mailed to them.
19. 30% discount on entry into water land at visionary theaters.
20. 30% discount on entry theme park tickets, games, rides, etc.
21. Online services available for those unable to physically enter financial institutions. Provided that you are able to face time bankers for verifications and opening up an account, you must have fax scanner and printer.
22. Home purchases will be finalized the day transaction is approved, because the funds are received from treasury.
23. Securitized accounts will receive 50% of the mature bond, regardless of the account.
24. The insurance policy of 250,000 taken out on you upon your account will be returned to you after 6 months.
25. Can open Trust accounts
26. Can open foreign accounts
27. Can open Merchant accounts
28. Immediately free dental and medical.
Damond Financial Union
Card Edition
1. Damond Card
· “White, Dark brown”
· Pink and White
· Yellow and black
· Orange (2 tones)
· Gold (2 tones)
2. Damond Card: “transparent 2 tone”
3. Damond Business Card:
“Unlimited funds”
· “Green and Yellow”
· Green and white
· Black and Gold
· 2 Tone red
· Red and Yellow
4. The Blue Card:
· “Dark and light blue”
· Yellow and white
5. The Royal Card:
100 million-4 billion
· Red and Gold
· Silver and white
· Rose Gold and Pink
Damond Financial Union (DFU)
1. 25 dollars to open account for “Damond Card”
A. 300 to open account for “Damond card”
B. 2500 to open account for “Damond Business”
C. 10,000 to open account for “the Blue card”
D. 1 Million to open account for “the Royal card”
2. Entry level bankers will receive 14 dollars an hour pay. Experienced bankers will start at 18 dollars an hour.
3. All US citizens, resident aliens, state nationals are welcome. Convicted felonies are welcome with the exception of fraud, bank fraud.
4. Personal security will be paid 25 dollars an hour.
5. Employees will receive free dental
6. Employees will receive free doctor visits and surgery up to 100,000 dollars. Serious cases are open for talks.
7. Employees will after 10 years drip benefits.
“Damond Retirement Investment Plan”
A. This plan funds your investment money to invest without paying back, provided a good B-Plan is submitted.
8. Employees without Infractions will receive a raise of 1 dollar every 4 months. The cap for bankers is 35 dollars an hour. The cap for security is 40 dollars an hour.
9. Employees will receive paid vacations for a family of five, twice a year.
10. Employees will have all holidays, religious days off.
11. Employees will receive holiday bonuses after 18 months good employment “400 to 2000”.
12. CFOS will be paid
13. Business Department will be paid
14. After reaching 15 million members, Bank Employees will receive incentives direct deposits every month of 3000 dollars.
15. Pregnant leaves, full pay continues.
16. Free medical and dental immediately
Damond Financial Union (DFU)
Continents: Four
46 Locations
Continents: Four
North America
1. orleans parish
2. East baton rouge
3. caddo parish (2x)
4. lafeyette
5. houston (2x)
6. austin
7. dallas
8. san antino
9. arlington
10. mecan missi
11. jackson missi
12. decatur
13. atl
14. north carolina (2x)
15. south carolina (2x)
16. tennessee (2x) c memphis & nashville
17. denver
18. columbus (ohia)
19. detroit
20. pennysylvania (2x)
21. phili
22. california (3x) los angelos
23. seatlia
24. navanda (los vegas)
25. oklahoma
26. arkansas
27. brooklyn
28. captom or santa barbie
29. new jersey
30. florida (clear water)
31. florida (miami)
32. uta
33. pueto rico (2x)
34. chicago (3x) (illinois)
35. phonix
South America (2x)
2 Locations
1. Rio d.
2. brazil
Australia (1x)
1. Australia
Africa (6x)
1. nigeria (2 locations)
2. kenya (1x)
3. south africa (2x)
4. ghana (1x)
Hawaii (1x)
1. 1 location
Jamaica (1x)
1 location